My name is Riley and I work for Young Women United, a Strong Families partner. As a trans woman of color, I’m incredibly proud to be a part of an organization that’s building a world where all of us – including trans women and femmes of color – have access to the information and resources they need to make real decisions about their own bodies and their lives.
But it’s hard to think about the future when I hear news reports that women like me are being murdered. And it’s hard to teach the trans women I mentor about self-worth and self-love when the only time we see our lives reflected in the media is when another trans woman is murdered.
It’s time to acknowledge, affirm, and uplift the identities and talents trans women and femmes of color. That’s why Strong Families partnered with eight trans and gender non-conforming artists and eight organizations centering trans justice to create The Trans Day of Resilience Art Project. Today, we’re excited to unveil eight powerful images highlighting the stories and experiences of trans and gender non-conforming people of color.

Hozho Baa'na'sha'doo is a Diné (Navajo) concept meaning 'walk in beauty and balance.'
YWU and the New Mexico Trans Women of Colour Coalition partnered with the talented Adelina Cruz to create an image that captures the power, strength, and beauty of trans women and femmes of color.
The collaboration was inspiring – and so is the image itself. It shares the struggles trans folks have faced in the past – as well as the work we’re doing now to unite, organize, and fight for a better future.
I hope that years from now, long after I’m gone, young trans girls can see themselves in this piece of art and say, “My trans ancestors fought so I could live freely.” Thank you for fighting alongside me.
In solidarity,
Riley Golightly Summer Youth Leader, Young Women United & co-founder, New Mexico Trans Women of Colour Coalition
Riley Golightly Summer Youth Leader, Young Women United & co-founder, New Mexico Trans Women of Colour Coalition
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