Four out of five people living in the US do not live behind the “picket fence” with a mom at home and a dad at work. While that life has never been the reality for most of us, the default for “family” is often this narrow ideal.
Strong Families is proud to push back on that idea with one of our most popular campaigns: Mamas Day. As an alternative to the white-washed Hallmark version of Mother’s Day, Mamas Day highlights thereality that mothers come in all ages, ethnicities and sexual orientations. Since 2011, Forward Together has worked with more than 20 artists to create original, customizable e-cards that celebrate thediversity of mamas across the United States and reflect the real lives of our families.
As we prepare for our 5th annual Mamas Day this year, we are looking for artists to create new work thatcelebrates all mamas. Do you create amazing art that should be part of Mamas Day? We want to hear from you!
We believe all families matter, and are working with artists to provide powerful visuals that include queer, immigrant, single parent and young families, as well as cards that celebrate caregivers and cardsthat represent families across race and ethnicity. These cards help thousands of us find the image that speak to how our families look and feel. Mamas and Papas Day artists work in every media possible – they hand draw, screen print, usecomputers, water colors, and stencils to create their work.
We believe all families matter, and are working with artists to provide powerful visuals that include queer, immigrant, single parent and young families, as well as cards that celebrate caregivers and cardsthat represent families across race and ethnicity. These cards help thousands of us find the image that speak to how our families look and feel. Mamas and Papas Day artists work in every media possible – they hand draw, screen print, usecomputers, water colors, and stencils to create their work.
Do you know someone who you thinkshould submit art? We want to know! We are able to pay $500 each to the artists that get selected to design a card. Submissions are due by January 23, 2015. If you can’t participate this year, please share the link with the creatives in your life, and help us make this a memorable, visual, and beautiful year.We look forward to your submissions!
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